Jade has now been spayed, and she will never again have unwanted kittens, or suffer from endless heat cycles.
To see photos of her babies and read more about her family, please click HERE.
And here is an excerpt from the email that Dona, a member of the feral team, sent along with this photo of Jade right before her release:
"The release went very well. Pat & I got there first and filled a bowl with tuna, raw duck and another smelly tin of something; also set out some fresh water. We moved the feeding dishes onto a pallet and put a small board partially over the hole - the wind was whistling in and Jade will be fragile for a while. We didn't want her to get a kitty cold or a chill. She still has room to get in and out because we released her in the garage and she bolted through the little hole. Attached are photos of the lovely girl just before her release. Whatta beauty."
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