"Just a quick update on what has happened on the "trapline" since we started a week or so ago. To date, from the start of the "blitz", we have trapped 8 cats, plus taken another cat and her 5 newborn kittens into foster care. So, total, that's 14 cats "rescued", with 7 returned to their home sites. Of those 8 cats, 5 are male and 3 are female. One female was a "kitten",under one year old and I had no report from the vet that she was pregnant, so we assume not. One adult female was pregnant, early stages. The third adult female, no evidence of conception. Of the 5 males, 3 were "kittens" (again, less than a year old), and 2 were adult males. Of the 9 cats in total that have been rescued (not counting the 5 newborn kittens), 8 are feral cats. Seven have been, or will be (today) released back to their home sites. The mother of the newborns will return to her home colony after the kittens are weaned. The kittens are being socialized and will be adopted out. One cat was domesticated, is in foster care now and will be placed for adoption soon."
The tame/domesticated cat that was rescued was Buffy, pictured above. This sweet female cat has now been spayed and is in foster care. We have reported her as found to the humane society, but, as is common with so many of the tame cats that we rescue, no one is looking for her.
We are so pleased with this first week of the trapping blitz! More to come...
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