Sunday, September 19, 2010

Disneyland Has Feral Cats Too!

Feral cat colonies can be found throughout the world and there are a many famous feral cat colonies including the one on Parliament Hill and the ones in the ruins of the Roman coliseum. And, as it turns out, there are feral cats at Disneyland too!

Here is an excerpt from an article on Alley Cat Allies:

Over the last 25 years, feral cats have played an important role at the Disneyland Resort. When the gates close and the crowds are gone, about 200 cats walk the Disneyland property doing their part to control mice and other rodents. The cats have played this role for 25 years, but 7 years ago an official TNR program was instituted by the animal care staff to help maintain the population. TNR is part of a regular program that helps keep the cats healthy and the population under control so the cats can continue to do their important work. The cats receive ongoing care and are fed at five hidden feeding stations throughout the park.
The TNR program was instituted with the help of local TNR organizations including FixNation, one of the largest cat advocacy organizations in the Los Angeles area. Stay tuned for more info about local resources across the country later in the week.

To read the entire article, please visit Alley Cat Allies.


1 comment:

Al said...

“Acute stage Toxoplasma infections can be asymptomatic, but often give flu-like symptoms in the early acute stages, and like flu can become, in very rare cases, fatal. The acute stage fades in a few days to months, leading to the latent stage. Latent infection is normally asymptomatic; however, in the case of immunocompromised patients (such as those infected with HIV or transplant recipients on immunosuppressive therapy), toxoplasmosis can develop. The most notable manifestation of toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients is toxoplasmic encephalitis, which can be deadly. If infection with T. gondii occurs for the first time during pregnancy, the parasite can cross the placenta, possibly leading to hydrocephalus or microcephaly, intracranial calcification, and chorioretinitis, with the possibility of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or intrauterine death.”

Once Disney’s visitors are warned that the Disney Corporation cares more about the welfare of diseased feral-cats than they do about unborn infants … watch their stocks PLUMMET worse than anything they’ve ever seen in history!

They'll be shooting their feral-cats so fast that you won't even notice.

I’ll be sure to spread the word.