This sad and sorry looking fellow is Teddy, a grizzled tom who has been hanging around stray in the town of Sedley for several years. Recently, he landed on the porch of a kind lady who was involved in the rescue of the Sedley Seven, and Molly and babies before that. Judy has been tending to him for a while now, feeding him and providing him a safe shelter to sleep in for the night. She quickly realized that Teddy had once been tame, and was happy to have regular care and attention again.
Judy knew that Teddy needed serious help. He was wobbly, disoriented and had visible wounds and scars. She called us for assistance in getting Teddy the vet care he desperately needed.
It turns out that Teddy has a severely infected abscess, which has swollen one if his legs to three times the normal size, and he has a very high fever. He has a chance - but only if he gets some special care and attention, which is a tall order for a cat living mostly as a feral cat. We were preparing ourselves for the worst - euthanization, but Judy and her family decided that they want to give him a chance and have offered to provide the care he needs to recover.
Teddy has a long road to recovery. This poor guy with his matted fur, runny eyes, leaky abscesses and wobbly balance is only six years old. His hard life as a stray has really aged him, but at least we know that no matter what, Teddy has kind people looking out for him and giving him a second chance to be a cherished cat companion.
Cheers to Judy and all the kind animal lovers who watch out for poor strays.
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