Just a few days before Christmas a PFA volunteer got a call about a young female cat who had been found frozen and scared in a snowbank near an apartment building that didn't allow pets.
Although the timing wasn't good we weren't going to turn our backs on this little stray and so pretty little Snow White (now Xena) was taken to Vic Vet to be spayed and placed into an awesome PFA foster home.
We knew it wouldn't take long before this gorgeous cat found a loving home of her own, and sure enough she was adopted only a few weeks later and quickly bonded with her new owner, who reports that Xena has definitley made herself at home:
Xena prefers to sleep in the Bathroom sink while I'm getting ready in the mornings! She comes when I whistle and follows me around EVERYWHERE. The other day I bought her a harness and we went for a walk around the city! I got some pretty funny looks because I was walking my cat! She travels with me back to my parents every weekend and she'll just sleep the entire car ride, then when we get there she'll meow at me because even before she goes up the stairs she knows there's no food in that bowl up there! She is quite vocal and oddly loves to chase her tail. If I'm taking a bath, I best close the door tight because not only can she open the door by turning the door knob, but she'll jump into the tub with me and swim around until I get out! At least she's easy to keep clean! She also thinks that 5:30am is far too late to be sleeping and she'll wake me up so I can pet her for a little while! I love her to death and she's my little baby!
It looks like our little Snow White got a much deserved fairy tale ending!
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