Over the past several months, I've written a few times about the hardships faced by tame house cats heartlessly dumped out in the country and left to fend for themselves, including sweet and loving cats like Jazzy and Simon and Super-Kitty.
This week PFA was contacted by a concerned animal lover about the plight of two tame, affectionate and de-clawed house cats who had been abandoned and left to fend for themselves in an unheated barn - without even their most basic natural tools for hunting and self-defense - their claws!
Thankfully, poor Buddy (orange) and Ugg (grey tabby) have been rescued and are safe in foster care with Glen and Deanne, the kind couple who alerted us to their plight. These poor cats were starving, dehydrated, frozen (Ugg has lost one ear) and horribly matted. Both will need to be shaved to get rid of the nasty mats that are painfully pulling on their skin.
However, they are both extremely happy and grateful to be out of the cold and into a safe, warm environment with regular food, water and affection. They love attention from people and are so happy to snuggle into your lap for a bit of the TLC they so badly need. I visited them today and almost wept to see how grateful they were for a kind touch and bit of attention.
Buddy and Ugg will eventually be listed for adoption together, but for now, we are very happy that they have a safe and caring foster home where they can recover from their ordeal.
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