Nothing excites PFA volunteers more than a successful adoption. That's what we are about - getting great cats great homes.
This also means that it really hurts when a cat comes back due to a failed adoption. Sometimes, though, it can't be helped.
Jasmine is one of our infamous Sedley mamas, a young female who gave birth to her litter in a seed mill just outside Regina last year, and who was delivered into PFA foster care to ensure the safety of her and her babies.
Jasmine is an exceptionally sweet and beautiful cat, and she managed a rare feat by being adopted into a permanent home before the majority of her kittens had homes. She is great with young children and also very gentle and good with elderly people. How many cats can you dress in clothing? After a tense start, she bonded nicely with her fellow PFA rescue, Rocky.
Unfortunately, one of the children in the home has developed asthma and despite trying numerous allergy control methods, nothing seems to be working. They found a home with a relative for Rocky, but not for Jasmine. They are heartbroken to return her, but with a young child's health at stake, they feel they have no choice.
We have no foster spots available, so we are hoping to find sweet Jasmine a new permanent home asap! Please contact us at saskpeopleforanimals@gmail.com if you are interested in an awesome family cat or can take on a foster cat on a temporary basis.
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