This cute little guy was hanging out on a busy street near the Dieppe area and had the good sense to follow a kind lady home. He's only 3-4 months old, too little to be out on his own on a busy street to begin with.
Once the lady realized that he was staying in her yard, she brought him inside so that he wouldn't risk getting hit by a car. He is adorable, friendly and affectionate. However, he needs a foster spot by Saturday, as they are leaving town, or he will have to go to the shelter.
Our current foster homes are full, many with multiple kittens or cats and we don't have anyone available. We are hoping a kind kitten lover out there will take pity and offer to foster this little fellow for a while! We (and he) would be most grateful!
If you can help, please contact us at saskpeopleforanimals@gmail.com
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