These two adorable cat buddies are Sam and Simon (formerly Dysart), both foster cats who landed in the same wonderful forever home.
Sweet Sam was rescued in the spring of 2009 in rough shape, starving and injured. He was so weak at the time he could hardly walk but he bounced back quickly with some TLC and turned into a healthy and loving cat. We were thrilled when he was adopted into a great home where he blossomed even more into an even more confident and happy young cat.
Simon was rescued in the spring of 2011, and is one of the "Lipton cats" that PFA rescued to save them from an uncertain fate when the town passed a by-law limiting residents to only two pets, with excess animals trapped and taken to farms. He is a real little lovebug who is so happy to have both a cat buddy (his former foster siblings didn't appreciate him so much), and a loving owner to indulge his fondness for head scratches.
We are so happy these awesome little cats found a home together. They even sort of look alike with their cute little faces, and white bellies and blazes!
They both look so relaxed and happy. I am glad for both of them.
It looks like they get along so well!
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