Angel, the little black kitten, was one of those cases that made many hardened rescuers cry. She was found partially frozen to a driveway in the midst of winter, hungry and terrified. Once she was safe in a foster home, we discovered that Angel (whose name was changed to Angel from Sheeba when we realized what a little miracle she was) was horrifically injured. Her tail was badly broken, and the skin on her lower jaw was torn away from her face. She had ulcers on her feet that were likely caused by some kind of chemical burn. Our vet was certain that these wounds were inflicted on purpose.
Angel's foster mom, Cherilyn, carefully and lovingly nursed her back to health, and when she was well enough, she had surgery for her injuries. Most of her tail was amputated, but she healed from the surgery remarkably quickly. Through all of these experiences, we were all inspired and amazed at how resilient and loving this sweet little kitten was.
The photo above was sent to us by Angel's adoptive home. As you can see, she is a happy and healthy full grown cat now, with great feline companions (including another PFA rescue, the grey tabby pictured with her) and an incredibly loving human family. These are the endings that help us to keep going in the face of more sad stories on the streets of Regina.
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