Earlier this spring, the PFA feral team rescued a terrific young cat named
Pete who quickly charmed everyone he met. We were sad to learn that Pete was positive for FIV, but were thrilled when a kind lady stepped up to foster him and we are glad to report that he is thriving - and very much loved.
Here is a fantastic update from Pete's foster mom, who has decided to make this sweet boy her own!
Readers first met Pete on the April 16th blog entitled “Another Day Another Stray”. Pete was a pretty sorry looking character. Life on the street wasn’t kind to this obviously tame cat. Thankfully, the kindness of People for Animals members and supporters saved him from what was likely going to be a bleak, short future.
Here’s where I come in. I’m not really a cat person. I had one as a very young child and took in a couple of strays for short stays over the years, but nothing beyond that. I moved into a new condo and met two wonderful, caring People for Animals members – Phil and Sandra. In chatting I learned my new home was a cat-friendly building so much so they’ll find you a cat. Phil suggested fostering a cat is a great way to decide if you want one permanently. This is a very successful marketing strategy because once a cat crosses your threshold, you’re hooked!
It didn’t take long before I learned there was stray needing a temporary home. Ya, he was temporary for about five minutes and now he’s home to stay.
Pete has recovered well from his street days and hopefully has forgotten them completely. His hair is growing back nicely as you can see from these photos. Pete’s gained a pound and now seems to be at a healthy weight. The warmth of his personality has flourished. No visitor to our home is immune to his charms. Even my feline fearing daughter admits he’s “kinda cute”.
There’s something to be said for the healing powers of pets. My dementia stricken Mom brightens up just at the sight of Pete. He seems to know she needs some extra care and rarely leaves her side. And there’s nothing like being greeted at the door after a long, stressful day at work by a furry bundle of unconditional love.
So, to any of the readers who are teetering on making a decision about cat ownership, do it – I guarantee you won’t regret it.