This poor bedraggled and downtrodden fellow is Jeremiah, a young male cat who was rescued from a PFA feral feeding station on Monday. He is scrawny, dehydrated, and is missing one ear and huge patches of fur. He could barely drag himself along in the snow on his three working legs to get out from under the deck and into the trap where the much coveted food awaited!
Jeremiah was whisked off to the Victoria Veterinary Clinic, where we anticipated the news that he would need to be put down. However, he is negative for Feline Leukemia and Feline Aids, and while sick with an infection, he has been eating well and using the litter box, so we have high hopes for his recovery.
Jeremiah does have a heart murmur and if he is to survive long, he needs a caring home as he won't be strong enough to fend for himself on the street for very long.
For now, we are taking it day by day and hoping for the best for this little guy, who has already survived against the odds.
Jeremiah is the very epitome of a PFA rescue cat - homeless, hungry and hurt. This is the kind of cat that we work so very hard to help get a better life - like Monty, Archie, Sammy and many others who came to us extremely sick and injured, and went on to find loving homes.
Please keep your fingers crossed for our little Jeremiah. We are gratefully accepting donations towards his veterinary care through our website at www.people4animals.ca or via PFA at PO Box 33066, Regina, SK, S4T 7X2 (please make a notation that your donation is for Jeremiah).
A huge thank you goes to the feral team for rescuing Jeremiah, and for those that have contributed to his care so far!
He is a very scared, but sweet cat, he really enjoyed ear scratches and some cuddles today as I changed his bedding and fed him!
How much is his recovery going to cost?
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