Check out these sweet, adorable little mama cats, both rescued pregnant and scared from the snow and cold on Remembrance Day.
One of them, Cobie (tabby), was lucky enough to sneak into the garage of a PFA foster home! She was very calm and content to be safe and warm inside.
The other, little Poppy(black and white), who is only 8 months old herself ,was picked up by PFA volunteer Barb and myself as we were on our way to get Cobie! Poppy was sitting in the middle of an icy road, desperately crying for help to passersby. We stopped and gave her some food, and talked to some residents and learned that she had been stray for some time.
So, off we went with Poppy safely tucked into a carrier. We named her in honour of the day, and we are very grateful that we found her before she gave birth to kittens outdoors.
Both girls are now spayed and safe in foster care, and will be listed for adoption shortly.
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