More scoop from Jackie about these wonderful kittens! It's amazing how fast the time has gone, and the kittens are now ready for their new homes!
Last week I talked about how the kittens are eating well and Momma Duchess is getting her separate time from her babies. She is driving us crazy with her meowing to be let out of the bedroom. We take shifts of who gets to be out first. When I get home from work all the animals get to come out and stretch their legs. Momma and kittens come running out of the room as soon as the door opens. They all head to the kitchen as they are pretty sure about what comes next. The cacophony of kittens crying for food is so loud all our other animals run for cover. The raw diet has the babies growling at each other to stay at their own dishes and eat their own food. It is pretty hard with only two hands to get 7 bowls of chow out to 7 hungry felines. I didn’t think it was possible but the kittens can pack away as much as the adult cats in our house. They would eat even more if we let them. I feed the litter three times a day to try and get them their full dietary requirement. It can leave a person tired after 11 cats and a sad puppy.
I have been trying to get the kittens to stop from using me as a climbing apparatus. My legs are filled with little claw marks as they have used them repeatedly to climb up to a lap or a higher place to see when their food will be ready. How do you get a cat to stop climbing? It is natural for them, but, not something we as humans appreciate. Toulouse is famous for climbing legs and ankle biting. He will catch you as you are walking by and tag along for a ride. Some may think this is cute, but, the bare leg he is attached too, not so cute! Toulouse is also the fearless kitten in the litter. He has faced down the mighty dog and won. Well, Buddy laid there and let him sniff him, that is a huge step for us and the kittens.
Berlioz aka Bear is the tough cat in the litter. He likes to fight and nip at hands. His cute little face and lightning paws of fury can leave you wounded. I have been trying to find ways to deter him from thinking fingers and hands are things to bite and scratch. A loud firm NO has had some effect on his behaviour. We are working on all the kittens and the need to attack hands and feet. Moving targets!
Right now as I am typing I have Oliver another foster cat in my lap curled up for his computer snuggle time and two kittens running across the keyboard as they try to figure out a way to help with our weekly Blog. The light on our mouse is always a fun toy!
Marie is like her momma Duchess. She is regal looking with her golden eyes and soft meow. We had trouble in the beginning telling the two black kittens apart but as they have grown bigger Marie has a more feminine face. I don’t know how to put into words but she is a petite little girl. She likes to wrestle with her siblings and cuddle up at nap time.
Spooky is a handsome little critter. He has caught the eye of many potential adopters but has not been scooped up as of yet. He is an all grey kitten with a sweet personality. He loves to cuddle up for snuggle time and he doesn’t mind being carried around like a baby doll as evident by his many ventures with our youngest daughter.
With Duchess not letting up on her attacks on the family dog we have been putting her in a room by herself with a couple of kittens for company. She is not too happy about her new digs and made it known by urinating on the bed. As she is the only adult cat on the main floor of our house it was not hard to guess who the culprit was. It was a surprise when you go to pull back the comforter to get ready for bed and find a smelly puddle. Needless to say we were doing laundry at 11 o’clock last night.
Mittens has made her way to her new home this week. That little girl won the hearts of many of our friends as we watched her grow over the past 8 weeks. Cute and tiny she loved to cuddle and always had a mighty purr. We hope she finds two new friends where she is going as the family that adopted her has 2 cats at home. One of those cats is an other successful adoption from People for Animals. Yea for PFA!
This weekend we will be at Pet Smart here in Regina for Adoption Days or a Pet Expo of sorts. We will be showcasing PFA’s kittens and cats that are available for adoption. I have made plans to bring the litter of kittens and Oliver for some added exposure. It should be a great event. Come and see us while you pick up your pet supplies.
See you at Pet Smart!
Jackie Kruger
Foster Mom
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