Here is the latest on this sweet little cat family. It was a big week as the kittens were listed for adoption, and two were snapped up right away. Now, we just need four more loving homes for these special little babies!
This week we finished the medication for the Aristocats Family. We visited Dona, who handles the cat food pantry for People for Animals and picked up kitten chow, some soft cat food, and cat litter for our little family. Later that day we set out seven dishes in row of moistened kitten chow for all the kittens and Duchess too. Four of the six kittens came running to the bowls to sample the food while two stayed back to play and run in and out from under the bed. Lily and Spooky are the least inclined to try out the food while the other little critters are nom nom nom. I took a few pictures of the little row or eaters with Duchess. Because we soften the food with water it makes a sort of gravy that Duchess just loves. She goes from bowl to bowl to lap up the water.
With the introduction of solid foods the kittens are all making use of the litter box regularly. It is cute to watch them climb in and scratch around. Even though I made a special box for the kittens a couple of them still climb into the bigger litter box to do their business. Litter box training has been easy as Duchess taught them all by demonstration.
We have more active play with the kittens now that they have found their running legs. These kittens are everywhere. I mean everywhere! The other night Lily climbed up the back of the door using my housecoat as her climbing apparatus. We didn’t know where she had gone until her little cries were coming from the door and we could not see her. I found her clinging to the inside of the housecoat. I detached her claws and snuggled her in close to let her know she was going to be okay.
The bedroom is abuzz with kittens climbing the bed skirt to be found on the bed looking around like to say “where do I go from here?” They climb the kitty condo to places higher up. The book shelf is a favourite place to find kittens curled up on photo albums. The albums show the teething marks of the kittens. We have a scratch post that they are making good use of. The kittens climb to the top of the post and play “king of the castle” other kittens climb up to try and knock the king off and claim the top of the post. It is quite comical to see three or four kittens fighting to be the one on top.
With the kittens now listed for adoption on the People for Animals website and Facebook we are trying to broaden their exposure to new things. We leave the television on in the room for them to get used to noises. The little dirt devil vacuum is getting used to clean up the litter that hits the floor from our little scratchers. We ventured out into the living room with 6 kittens to meet the other animals of the house. The kittens were curious about the new environment and when Oliver, another foster kitty, came to check them out one of the kittens got spooked and hissed at him, he hissed back and made a paw swipe at the kitten. That put an end to our adventure into the main house. Buddy our dog is curious as well about the little balls of fluff getting carried around and he sniffed them out as well to be greeted by hissing and spitting. It’s not surprising that this is the reaction to the new smells of the kittens as they are not a familiar scent. Over the next two weeks we plan to take them away from Duchess for longer periods of time to better assist them in weaning.
I have noticed that Duchess is doing her own form of weaning. Duchess speaks to her kittens in this tone of meow I have heard her use a number of times. It brings the kittens to her and she washes their faces and the kittens begin to nurse. Duchess will lay her head down and look like she is sleeping and then after a moment passes she gets up from the nursing kittens and moves off to lie down in another location in the room. She watches the kittens from her new position as they curl up on top of each other and go to sleep wondering all the while where their meal went. More of thie kittens nutrition will come now from the kitten chow we are offering them to eat.
3 am play time can really wake a person up. I think the kittens would have slept through the night if it was not for our oldest daughter having nightmares and coming to our room to sleep. She knocks before she enters the room and we turn on the lights so she can make her way into our bed. At this time the kittens think they should play and the rough and tumble starts. It lasts only as long as the lights are on and they too settle back into slumber. Nothing like an early morning wake up call to make the rest of your day seem long.
Another night this week I was awakened by something furry brushing by my side in the dark. I reached out to feel around to see who was in bed with me and to my surprise I had three kittens and Duchess curled up at my side. There is nothing more relaxing than fur children crawling into bed to sleep with you. I love the sound of them purring.
Our Aristocats Family is generating a lot of interest for adoptions with only three weeks left before they leave the nest. Mittens, the black and white female has been spoken for. Marie is on temporary hold while a potential adopter checks out another litter with People for Animals. It is hard competition with kittens that look like dairy cows; their black and white spots are adorable. Our family has fallen under the spell of kittens as well and have made the decision to keep one ourselves. Lily will be making her fur-ever home with us and our two girls could not be more excited to have her join the family.
Every morning and every night before we go to bed two little girls say good-bye to the kittens and give hugs and kisses. There is no shortage of loving to go around. The other resident animals have taken it really good. We still have the occasional spat in the hallway because Duchess has escaped her room, but, no one is worse for it. Oliver likes to sit outside the bedroom door and sniff at everyone and this gets Duchess’ fur a bit ruffled. I would be curious about a closed door too especially when it is taking away my favourite lap from me.
I admit to spending a lot of time with Duchess and her kittens. We want them to be well socialized individuals and locking them up in a quiet room is not going to make for adoptable kittens. These six adorable creatures will come fully broken in and ready for whatever life brings them. It will be a sad day when the last one leaves our house, but, we are optimistic that they will all find loving new homes. It is interesting to sit on the bed and watch the little family and all their relationships. Stay tuned for more adventures of the Aristocats.
Jackie Kruger
Foster Mom
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