This poor 4 week old kitten managed to get away from its litter mates and fell into a 2 foot deep hole near one of our feral team's feeding stations. One of our trappers Leanne heard his cries for help and followed the sound till she found him. He was covered in mud and shivering. At first she thought he belonged to Bree's litter ( Londyn, Maddy, Mosby & Lance who were rescued a few weeks ago) but comparing him to the others he is much younger.
He is one of many kittens born on the streets, most likely to a feral mother. PFA works very hard to find and trap these babies for socialization and adoption, then sterilizing their mothers to help reduce the cat overpopulation crisis in Regina.
Here are the before and after pictures of his much needed bath!
This little baby is now clean, safe and has a full belly. He will be hanging out with Bree's kittens until he is big enough for adoption.
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