Sabrina, Michelle and Alanna visited some students in Grades 1-4 at Montessori School Nov 4th along with Michelle's foster kittens, Batman, Thumbs, and Bigfoot - and Meadow, Michelle's daughter and resident cat whisperer who helped show the other kids how to play nicely with the kittens.
As you can imagine, the little guys were a huge hit. I've attached some photos from the visit.
The kids had been our our website and knew the names of many of the cats. Each one had their favourite cat. They had done up some artwork for us and had done up a little play box for cats that little Thumbs is enjoying in one of the pics.
They students will be collecting donations of money and supplies over the next several weeks and we'll be going back at the end of the month again to receive them.
The kids were very sweet and it was a lot of fun.
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