Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Jade's little family

Jade is a female cat with lovely green eyes that had been living at one of our feeding stations in North Central Regina. She was targeted early in our spring trapping blitz, as it was clear she was pregnant. However, we didn't get to her in time, and she carried her litter to full term. Thankfully, we were then able to trap her and catch the kittens, only a few days old at the time, and place the whole family in foster care with Ken. Jade is a wonderful momma, and her babies have thrived. Yesterday Michelle was able to visit with them, and get some photos of the babies, although Jade was camera shy. We had first thought that Jade was feral, and had planned on releasing her back to her territory as soon as the kittens were 4 or 5 weeks old and she was spayed. However, she has made amazing progress at Ken's, so she will remain there for a while longer, while he assesses her chances for taming down. The kittens will be available for adoption in about three weeks. All but one of them are Manx!
All of Molly's babies have been adopted!
The spring trapping blitz continues

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Bingo volunteers still needed!
We have two shifts we are trying to cover. We need two people for 11:30 to 3pm, and one person from 2:30 to 6pm.
Can you help us?
Please let me know if you can via email at badbunnygirl@hotmail.com .
Thanks so much,
Monday, April 27, 2009
Honey the chatty girl
This past Sunday, the feral cat team succeeded in trapping two homeless female cats. One of them is a feral cat who will be released back to her home territory once she is recovered from her spay, and the other was Honey. Honey is about 11 months old, a lovely slight female orange tabby with a very long, stripey tail. Once she figured out that she was safe in my fostering room, she came out and had a great time visiting with me. I couldn't get her to sit still! Honey is recovering from her spay, and I hope to deworm and vaccinate her in the next few days. And, hopefully a foster home will open up for her soon! One more lovely cat that will not be reproducing and suffering on the streets of North Central Regina any longer.
We love our volunteers
Ok so this weekend I've
1) Picked up the Siamese kitten from Denise. No name yet... thinking angel or lilah...
2) Dropped Zach off at Kelly's.
3) Dewormed and vaccinated Billy at Mona's got a few pictures too.
4) Been in contact with Ken re Coconut... will try for 1st shot this week and get pictures of kittens.
5) Jennifer will send me some pictures of Zimmer and Nashon, booster to be done this week
6) Settled in Sabre the dog into our house.
7) checked on Friday at Leah's. Friday's off of injection pain meds, and we decided she doesn't seem in distress to need the oral ones. Talked with vet about same and will put some on hold in case she does seem in pain. Eating well, eliminating well (no visuals today lol) and overall happy and content.
8) Lucy's kittens are still a bit constipated....picked up some stuff at Metro pet store for that.... stay tuned hehe
9) Went trapping with Leanne.... no catches though :0
(On top of this I've been to Moose Jaw for dance competitions, dealing with ornery children and feeding cats, feeding dogs, cleaning up after cats, cleaning up after dogs.... feeding rabbits, should of cleaned up after rabbits (always another day) feeding kittens, cleaning up after kittens (such a mess for such little creatures!) did i mention feeding cats and cleaning up after cats? Housework.... oh wait didn't do any of that today! Also went shopping and I even got to watch Desperate Housewives tonight! hehe
That's it for now
Archie all spiffed up!

And here is our beloved Archie, after his neuter. He had to be fully shaved because of the severe matting of his fur, and I was worried that he would be cold, so I put one of my dog sweaters on him for the first day. Thankfully, Archie is secure in his masculinity, and didn't mind the pink.
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Last night my doorbell rang, and it was Leah - one of our foster homes. Leah has singlehandedly rescued countless cats and kittens in the North Central area in which she lives. She also maintains a shelter and feeding station for two feral cats that she trapped, sterilized and released with our help. There are few people in this world that I respect more than Leah.
She was carrying a large carrier with Archie inside. Leah had found him in her backyard, and it was evident that he needed help. Archie is a long haired orange male cat, not much more than a year old. He is so friendly, and loving, and gentle. However, it is clear that he has been on his own for some time. He has lost most of one ear to frostbite, has a bloody wound underneath his chin, was very hungry, and has some of the worst mats I have ever seen on a cat's fur. Poor poor boy. Another cat who was likely left homeless when he hit puberty and began to wander because he hadn't been fixed.
Archie spent the night in my bathroom, absolutely thrilled to be warm and fed and loved. I tried to cut some of the mats out, but he needs to be completely shaved. Archie loves to be held, and is a total lap cat. I am going to take him to the vet tonight after work, and tomorrow they will neuter him, shave him, test him for FIV, treat him for ear mites, and treat the wound on his chin. Once he is healthy, he is going to be an AMAZING companion for a very lucky person.
Thank goodness for Leah!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
World's Biggest Garage Sale - Sat April 25th
Also, we are still looking for a few people to help with the tear down from 4 to 6pm on that day. Can you help? Please email Sarah at badbunnygirl@hotmail.com if you can.
Thanks so much!
Another PFA Happy Ending

Extraordinary Mothers
This television news story exemplifies the wonderful resilient spirit of rescued animals.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Close Call

Mickey having a rough day

Billy the cat

Friday, April 17, 2009
One more cat rescued on our spring trapping blitz - Skyler

Most of the cats that our feral team is trapping to sterilize are feral, and they are spayed or neutered, and returned to their home territory. However, once in a while they trap a tame cat that has been living at one of our colonies or feeding stations. Tonight they trapped two of them. One is already at the vet waiting to be spayed, and Skyler is in my fostering room. She is an absolute delight - friendly and trusting. This sweet girl was living on the streets of North Central, at risk of pregnancy, hunger, and disease. We'll book her in for a spay next week, and hopefully move her into a foster home ASAP.
Our cat Friday

Angel is doing awesome!
"Angel is doing wonderful ! She got her stitches out on Thursday. One was really bad to take out as it had grown into the skin a bit so she howled a little and cuddled right up to me. The vet tech was laughing as she said you're her protector, she cuddles right up to you so I can't get her. Since then she is just a kitten. Her and Grace got really close and play together and now that she is better her and Mitzy started playing together as Mitzy is a bit rougher. But nothing hurts her now - so now she attacks Mitzy. Quite the change . She has this little cloth ball which is her favorite so she carries it all over the place. Hope we do not lose that one! I do not know what we would do. That little tail of hers she has adjusted to really well. Once the stitches were out she forgot all about it, it sure needs to grow more hair on it and it will look cute, now it just looks like a cut off tail. Once the hair is back it will look so much better. Angel - our miracle girl, she is simply amazing this little one!"
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
Please click here to access downloadable posters to promote Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. For more info, visit http://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-april/.
Monty has been adopted!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Some new pics of Lola and her kittens

Baby looks like both of his parents!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
A Plea for Help
We are committed to this trap/neuter/release process to decrease the excess population of stray cats in Regina. It works! However, each sterilization that we undertake costs money, and our current efforts have been so successful that we have already exhausted the funds that we had set aside for this spring effort. Without added funds, we will be forced to stop this spring trapping and sterilization blitz, which will result in many kittens being born on the street. We know that there are still at least 20 to 30 more cats that we could easily trap and sterilize with enough funds.
Can you help us? The average neuter costs $100, and the average spay costs $130. Contributions of every size will help make a difference, and decrease the feline suffering, homelessness and unwanted reproduction that is happening in our city.
Donations can be made in the following ways:
*via paypal on our website: www.people4animals.ca
*by mail, to our PO Box: People for Animals, PO Box 33066, Regina, SK, S4T 7X2.
*In person by contacting Sarah at badbunnygirl@hotmail.com or 565.1860
*In person, by making a donation directly to our account at either the Animal Clinic of Regina or the Victoria Veterinary Clinic.
Thanks so much for your past and continued support.
Sarah Pump
Director of Fundraising
People for Animals of Saskatchewan Inc.
Volunteers needed
1. Bingo, Sun April 19th, Fantasyland Bingo (corner of Park St and Victoria Ave)
Volunteers needed to work from 8:30pm to Midnight
2. World's Biggest Garage Sale, Sat April 25th, Evraz Place
Volunteers needed to work 2 hour shifts at the sale between 8am and 6pm.
We are also looking for a volunteer with a truck or van to help with cleanup at the end of the day.
Can you pitch in?
Please email Sarah at badbunnygirl@hotmail.com
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Another great Angel update from her foster mom
Thanks so much to Cherilyn, Angel's foster mom, and to Amanda and Jacyntha who rescued her. Also many thanks to Victoria Vet Clinic, who did so much to help Angel recover from her injuries.
New photos of Molly's kittens

Foster home found!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Another momma cat and kittens in need

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Rocky and Caramel - Best of friends

Thursday, April 2, 2009
More foster homes needed for rescued dogs