This is Gus. And believe it or not, he looked far worse a week ago.
PFA was called by a local woman who often works with us to help cats in the North Central part of the city.
Her neighbour had vacated his house, and had abandoned two cats there.
When we went over to rescue them, we found Gus.
We are guessing he is about ten years old.
He wasn't able to walk when we found him, as his nails had grown so long they were embedded in the pads of his paws.
He had matted fur lumps the size of your fist hanging off him.
He was so skinny that we all cried as soon as we looked at him.
Gus' eyes were sunken in his head, and he had green pus discharging from them.
Gus was so weak that we weren't sure he would live on the drive to the vet.
After two days at the vet, Gus was diagnose with a thyroid disorder that, combined with neglect, had caused him to get so skinny and dehydrated. A simple fix, and now he just has to take one pill a day.
Gus had to be shaved to remove all of the matted fur.
Gus was immediately adopted by one of our volunteers who had gone to simply drive him to the vet that day. She couldn't get the image of his suffering out of her mind. For the first few days after Gus came home he had to be carried to the food bowl and the litter box. Now, he can take four or five steps at a time before resting - a huge improvement! We are confident that with all of the love and the care that Gus is now getting, he will become a healthy and contented cat.
Many thanks to Dr Sheppard and the staff at the Animal Clinic of Regina, to Sheila for calling us, and to Barb for adopting Gus and loving him so very much.
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