A few weeks ago, I wrote about a very cute and charismatic tabby cat named
Tiger, a sweet stray that I rescued myself from the street life in Cathedral Village. Tiger was taken to Vic Vet for neutering, and after briefly boarding there he was was off to stay with Dona, one of our awesome foster homes and a feral team member.
Tiger was very special to me because I had rescued him myself, and I was fortunate that Dona provided regular updates and visiting privileges. I was on hand last night when Tiger was adopted by a kind, cat-loving lady recommended by one of our board members. Of course we want kind, cat-loving homes for all of our rescued cats, but nevertheless it was extremely hard to say goodbye to Tiger.
When he was carried off to his new home with his happy new owner, he definitely took a piece of my heart with him, and I realized how difficult it is to let a foster cat go off to a new home. Yet our foster homes do this regularly, often after caring for a cat for several months, not just a few weeks.
I have always been grateful for the role our foster homes play in enabling so many rescues and happy endings for our cats. I now have an even greater appreciation, as I now know first-hand what they go through when a foster cat is adopted. It takes very special people to foster cats, and I tip my hat to all of our wonderful foster care providers.