Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Volunteers needed for Feral Cat Team

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Interesting reading
Monday, December 22, 2008
As of this morning...
And, we are feeding many more at our feeding stations out on the street!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
A busy week of rescues

Below are some of the stories of the cats we have taken into foster care this week. Many of them would not have lived through the winter without intervention.

*Georgina: Georgina was found by Sandra, one of the members of the feral cat team, sheltering in a styrofoam cooler under a deck. She was clearly ill, and shivered continuously. Sandra took her to the vet, where Georgina was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and given antibiotics. She is a beautiful grey and white tabby, about 5 years old. Georgina was spayed, but when we reported her as found, no one was looking for her... She is in loving foster care now, and loves her bed up against the heat register. Georgina will be available for adoption after the holidays.
*Biggles: Biggles had been surviving for some time on Quebec St, being fed by a kind lady who takes pity on the strays in her alley. He is a small neutered male, with long black fur. Biggles is just skin and bones, but his foster mom Paulette is already resolved to make him healthy and happy again. He is all matted, and has a nasty eye infection, but he is already a lap cat, and is letting Paulette's big dog lick him! Biggles was found by Pat of the Pet Rescue team, just screaming for help. He approached her, mewling in distress, and making it quite clear that he needed a warm space. This sweet guy couldn't be more pleased that Pat heard his plea.
Thank you Regina
A big thank you to Mary, who donated four heated water bowls that our feral team can use at their feeding stations. So many of the cats we rescue in this weather are dehydrated.
Another thank you to Louise, who delivered a wonderful selection of hard and soft cat food that will be welcome by our foster homes. And Christine, who went shopping at Metro Pet Mart, and is spoiling some of our foster cats with her donations. Denise thoughtfully brought blankets and towels that we can use at our outdoor shelters, and food as well. Carmen, a member who is always there when we need extra help, brought food and litter. And, cash donations of many sizes! The girl guides of Fort Qu'Appelle did a change drive for us, and brought the results in to the city this weekend.
Finally, we were blown away by the generosity of the Mental Health and Addictions Team of the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, who raised $525 for PFA. They used part of the funds to purchase a great supply of food and treats, and then put the balance on our account at one of the local vet clinics.
We feel truly blessed and supported by Reginans. Thank you.
Bugsy's surgery has finally happened!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A PFA success story: Sterling the swimmer

Freezing temperatures in Regina
Click HERE to read about the weather.
Last night we brought two cats in from the cold. They were both in rough shape. One, Georgie, a lovely spayed grey and white tabby female, had been trying to shelter in a styrofoam cooler under a deck. She is now at the veterinary clinic being assessed, and will be moved into foster care today. Shadow, an older long haired grey neutered male, was found by our feral cat team wandering in a back alley, freezing, disoriented and dehydrated. They brought him to my house, and he is already improving - eating, drinking, sleeping a ton, and washing himself. This poor bedraggled boy will hopefully be moved into a foster home space in a few days so that my fostering room can remain empty for those emergency last minute cases that our feral team comes across so regularly in the cold.
Both of these cats are tattooed, although Shadow's tattoo is illegible. Someone once cared enough about them to have them sterilized. However, it's clear that they have both been on the street quite a while. We will call them in to the lost and found dept of the Humane society today, and see if anyone has reported them missing.
Please, keep your pets indoors during this weather!
And, we are in even greater need for foster homes at this time of year. If you have a spare room that you could offer to a cat that will die on the street without help, please contact us.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Guest Blogger: A friend of the downtown cats
After the restaurant closed and people moved from the houses, some humans would come everyday. They would feed us cat food, water and most of all played with us 10 kittens. We had a great time! That spider with bells I would catch it and try to take in my cubby hole but it always got away. When the leaves started dropping it was fun chasing those around. Trying to catch birds in a pack didn't always work. Some us little guys were just learning. One day a feather got stuck to my friends mouth no matter which way he turned or moved that darn feather would follow. Caught it with my paw it stuck there too. I tried to remove it with my mouth but again it got stuck. Dumb feather. All my friends laughed at me.
The first sign of snow in October, that was a rude awakening for us little people. Never saw that stuff before. The wind was howling, the rain so cold. We tried to hide in our shed but it wasn't heated and the holes up top didn't keep that wet stuff off us. Slowly my friends started disappearing to people what had these traps that caught us. They were sneaky, put food in the back, good food mind you, tuna, sardines, salmon, anything that got our attention. When caught they would be taken to a better place. I heard four of my friends stayed together and wee given a warm bed, good food and some loving to tame them. The new humans played with them.
In the end it was just me and some adult cats left. I just wanted to be stubborn. I wasn't going if I could help it. My mom was still around. I would hear my name, it got kind of confusing cause one day I would be "blue eyes", Houdini, Who's That!, I heard other names but little people can't say that. I hid pretty good because another person called me "Wiley".
In the end I was caught by these people. They came into my shed, set up this play maze or so I thought, put some food in the trap, it was so good, I hadn't eaten for a few days and in I went. OH NO Tricked again!
So now I'm in a foster home too. My life is so much better, I get a warm bed, blankets, all the food I want and a warm body to cuddle against. I don't know if I would've made it through the winter. It took along time to catch me but to the people who caught us and to the people that look after me I THANK YOU. Please come see me again.
Special thanks go out to Wilfred, Ken and Leanne, Diana and Mauri these are the people who worked thru warmth, cold, rain and snow to help these poor cats.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Guest Blogger: Foster Home

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Amazing donation

Safe and sound
Monday, December 8, 2008
Gone fishing
Carley and Paulette headed out, and met up with Dick, the kind man who had found this family, and Dan, the "landlord" of the felines.
Momma had raised her babies underneath Dan's house, in the foundation, where residual heat kept things cosy, and they were protected from the elements. Dick had been feeding her, so she was in pretty good shape.
Our intrepid volunteers had to climb on their bellies underneath the house, trying to grab kittens (who had never seen people up close before) as they went. Dick had great luck with an old fishing net, scooping three of the kittens in it.
Our team succeeded in grabbing all of the kittens in a short amount of time, but momma cat was scared off. The kittens were taken to Sandy's for fostering, and we arranged for a humane trap to be dropped off at Dick's so that he could try to get momma.
This morning, he did.
Momma cat is now safely ensconced in Sandy's basement, happily reunited with her babies. She knew them, and they knew her, and they all started nursing right away.
As soon as the kittens are weaned, we will have this lovely female spayed, and the kittens will be adopted out to screened and approved homes and will be spayed or neutered.
And we have decided to get a fishing net to help with future kitten catching.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Finally, photos of the "Paintball" kittens!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Winter is here
Right now, we need to make some room in our current foster homes before we can bring any more desperate situations out of the cold.
Adoptions are the solution!
Can you help us?
Please consider adopting one of our wonderful rescued felines, or spreading the word amongst your friends, family, workmates, fellow gym members, and email lists.
All of the animals available for adoption are listed on our website at www.people4animals.ca
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wil-E Coyote is not a friend to kitties
Despite being raised outside by a wild mother, the three remaining kittens are very tame. Reports indicate that the child of the owners of the paintball facility would play with them.
On our visit last week, the team left food and constructed an insulated shelter for the kittens, as we had no foster homes to place them in. We are still so very full, and getting more calls all of the time. This week, despite some adoptions, nothing opened up. We knew that time was growing short for these babies, so Pat and Bob went out on Saturday and picked them up, and brought them to my house for fostering, even though I already have four other foster cats.
I am so glad that these kittens are safe now. They are about four months old. One female is all black (Bella), one female is a lovely striped tabby (Beatrix), and the male (Buster) is a robust striped tabby as well. Bella is a little social butterfly, Buster is so loving, and Beatrix is extremely gentle, albeit still a little timid. They sleep in one big heap in the papasan chair in their room, eat like maniacs, and have already litter trained themselves.
Beatrix is the most fragile one, with a bad leg. I have the vet coming out to see her this week. She is very skinny, and sleeps a lot. I hope that she is able to thrive now. So far, so good.
Once they have all been seen by the vet, dewormed, and vaccinated, these three survivors will be available for adoption. Photos coming soon!